Tues 7th June, Transactional Analysis - Skill share and discussion

You are invited to a skill-share workshop on Transactional Analysis, from 7-9pm, Tues 7th June, at Cafe Euro.

The event will be an introduction to Transactional Analysis, which aims to help people to understand themselves better, and to communicate more effectively with others. The discussion will explore how such awareness can contribute to a transition to a better world.

There will be a nominal charge of £3 depending on income. Please book via Ian Wallace on 0114 2583641 or via ian.wallace15'at'btopenworld.com, and please be prompt. Thanks.

By the way, this event has been put on as an outcome from the recent 'Skilling up for Powering Down' Transition Cafe event. We look forwards to more such skill-sharing workshops, or even a day of mini-workshops. What could you contribute to a skill share?. Email susannah'at'transition.org.uk with requests and offers!

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