Following are Heathers notes from the last film screening in Meersbrook of Rob Hopkins at the Positive Energy Conference held on Monday 17th November 2008.
We started by sharing what we knew was going on now in Heeley; allotment shares, Green Triangle, Heeley City Farm and SYEC, LILI, Heeley Development Trust(who was there) and Sheffield wide; Seedy Sunday, Grow Sheffield and Abundance project, SCR, SCACC, Rising Tide direct action. Work that Reconnects workshop 8th Nov and Climate change effects the poor conference 22nd Nov.
Ie we're already embarked on transition but not every body knows what's going on-
And flagged up our follow up on Nov 20th 8pm at Bohemian upstairs
Themes stimulated by Rob Hopkins DVD talk
An enormous challenge
Can cities be sustainable? By definition cities are dependent/exploiting a large hinterland, now global in scale? So dependent on oil-but model of Cuba-50% Havannah's food grown in the city.
Things changing rapidly/economic and climate bill now 80% targets and including aviation and shipping.
Sheffield-are decision makers and politicians beginning to be aware of contradiction in city strategy between commitment to 60% CO2 reductions by 2050 and economic master plan geared to economic growth?
Crisis-time of opportunity. Best for communities to start gearing themselves up for how we want to respond rather than have top down impositions.
Its a challenge for everybody-how engage- not just a green issue-rethink how we get over "enemy images".
Whole is daunting but working together-with concept, everybody has something they can contribute, is positive
We need communities to be more self reliant but also because of law and order issue-with shortages more likelihood of attacks-need to look out for each other. Also very rough ride ahead-may not make it to sustainability-but humane option to be part of generous, sharing, inter-dependant community-more likely to act generously to likely environmental refugees.
Inspirations for local action;
Inspiration for progressing local transition: