Wednesday 15 May, Fusion Cafe, 7.30-10pm
For our May Cafe event, we’re hosting an opportunity for local groups to get together, to share the highs and lows of community participation and change, and maybe attract new participants or start new groups.
In Sheffield and the surrounding districts there are various different transition initiatives, as well as a bunch of other groups with a focus on local food, energy production, reducing waste, grassroots health initiatives, sustainable economic systems and more besides.
The evening will include some stories about the successes and challenges of local groups, followed by open space activities to allow a range of questions to be discussed. This is a chance to hear about inspiring sustainability-related initiatives in Sheffield and the local area, and meet other people involved in positive local activities, and we hope you can join us.
Fusion Cafe is in central Sheffield on Arundel St, S1 2NS – see directions. The event is free, but tea, coffee and light snacks can be bought from the cafe, and donations to cover other venue costs are much appreciated.